In the Telangana town of Kazipet, located in the Hanumakonda district, a young man suffered life-threatening injuries while recording an Instagram highlight reel next to a train track.

The young man was trying to create an Instagram clip by strolling dangerously near to the train tracks, and as a result, he was struck and injured by a moving train.

He is struck by a train that is moving at full speed, which causes him to swerve before he falls to the ground.

A video of the stunt gone awry quickly became very popular across various social media channels.

His companion, who was hiding behind the camera, rushed over to check on him and see if he was still alive.

A train guard who was there at the scene and saw what happened immediately phoned an ambulance and took the victim to a hospital in the area.

According to the findings of the medical professionals, Akshay has fractures in one of his legs in addition to sustaining injuries to his face.

People have been warned by the railway police several times not to stroll along train lines since doing so may result in serious or even deadly accidents.