Saturday, March 2, 2024
Business News

French luxury brand Hermès gives ₹3.5 lakh bonus each to 19,700 employees

French luxury brand Hermès has recently announced that it will be giving a generous bonus to all of its 19,700 employees across the globe. The bonus amounts to €4,000, which is equivalent to around ₹3.5 lakh, and will be granted at the end of this month. This news has been greeted with enthusiasm and excitement by employees who are understandably delighted with the news.

During the annual earnings presentation, Hermès CEO Axel Dumas shared that the company’s employees in France already receive a salary that is equivalent to 17 months per year. This includes various benefits such as profit-sharing and incentive bonuses. With this new bonus, the employees will now receive an additional boost to their earnings, which will undoubtedly be a welcome relief.

This announcement is particularly noteworthy in light of the ongoing economic uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Many businesses around the world have had to make difficult decisions regarding their staff, with some unfortunately having to lay off employees due to financial difficulties. Hermès, on the other hand, has shown a commitment to its employees by providing them with this bonus during such a challenging time.

The move also demonstrates Hermès’ continued success as a luxury brand. Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, the company has managed to weather the storm and remain profitable. This is a testament to the hard work and dedication of its employees, who have remained committed to maintaining the high standards that the brand is known for.

It is worth noting that this bonus is not the first time that Hermès has shown its appreciation for its employees. The company has a history of valuing its staff, and this latest announcement is just one example of the brand’s commitment to its workforce. By providing its employees with generous benefits and bonuses, Hermès is setting a positive example for other companies to follow.

The news of Hermès’ bonus to its employees is a welcome development in these uncertain times. The move highlights the brand’s commitment to its workforce and demonstrates its continued success as a luxury brand. It is clear that Hermès values its employees and recognizes the important role that they play in maintaining the brand’s reputation for quality and excellence.
