Saturday, March 2, 2024

Benefits of Developing Augmented Reality App for the E-Commerce Industry

Augmented Reality has redefined how people shop online. Most people may have used this technology in social media or gaming apps. However, various other sectors, such as eCommerce, have used it to offer brilliant advantages to retail owners and online shoppers.  

Businesses are changing the game by introducing AR to sync their products with the real world. It has affected the way shoppers interact with their apps, showing better results in terms of increased sales and reduced return rates.

As an entrepreneur, it is crucial to know how an eCommerce app development company can use AR to help reshape the shopping experience for your customers.

Types of Augmented Reality Applied to Apps

Understanding how this technology is applied will help in its proper implementation to meet business requirements. There are three main AR types at present:


This type of AR uses designated markers to initiate the AR experience. These markers may be posters, brand logos, QR codes, or the product itself – anything with sufficient unique visual points.

Marker-based AR is also called recognition-based AR because it works by tying the AR experience to such markers or user-defined images, the recognition of which triggers them. These markers anchor the digital world to the real world, giving access to the content beyond the marker.


As its name suggests, this type does not require a marker, as it is not reliant on one. It enables the user to move different objects and place them the way they like in the virtual world. It is great at improving interaction as the user gets to decide where to place virtual objects without worrying about their location.

Apps like IKEA provide this feature, allowing customers to place furniture anywhere in their homes within the app. It helps them decide whether the items they are considering will be a good fit in the space they are contemplating before they buy.


Also called location-based AR, this type is about bringing the virtual elements to the physical space. Users can view virtual objects wherever they go by scanning the area using their smartphone or camera device. It is designed to link AR-based content to specific locations, as seen in popular games like Pokémon Go.

Another good example would be navigation apps that provide users with additional information about areas they can see on the map but are not familiar with.

All they have to do is look through their phone’s camera to spot a virtual road sign with its details. Such apps can also provide directions on the roads rather than a complicated map, simplifying navigation to a great extent.

Why Developing an Augmented Reality App for eCommerce is Beneficial

AR is benefiting shops and shoppers alike in different ways, from giving an improved and personalized shopping experience to strengthening the brand and gaining a competitive edge.

Try Before You Buy

Most people prefer physical stores over online modes because they can physically try or see a product. This physical lack of product availability at hand kept eCommerce stores at a disadvantage until AR and VR development came into play.

Augmented Reality apps have bridged this gap by providing a virtual try-on feature for all types of eCommerce products, such as clothing and cosmetics.

People are even buying furniture this way, and they do not have to return items as many times because they turned out differently than expected. The reduced return rates work well for businesses, but they also instill confidence in shoppers, leading to increased sales.

Personalized Shopping

AR apps are great at customizing the experience for each shopper. They have put an end to bottomless browsing through endless lists of products by improving the decision-making process.

For example, instead of guessing and second-guessing about what would look good, users can point their phone at their living space and simply look at whether the piece of furniture or decor they are considering would be worth the purchase.

Engaging User Experience

AR is an excellent option if you want to improve shopping for your customers because it increases interaction and immerses them in a virtual world where they can experience how your products may appear or feel in their everyday lives.

Users can engage with products in a three-dimensional space, leading to longer session times and, in turn, an increase in conversion rates. When users spend more time on your e-commerce platform, they are more likely to buy the items they are looking at.

Better Visualization

Sometimes, a mere image or video may be insufficient, as they might not do justice to certain products. AR fills the gaps by helping users visualize products in high detail. People can buy with more clarity when they understand how the product or clothing will work out for them. The resulting purchase will be a well-informed one, increasing satisfaction among shoppers.

Final Thoughts

These advantages of developing an Augmented Reality app for your eCommerce business will help you decide if it is worth the investment. Consulting with an experienced eCommerce app development company can help you weigh the pros and cons in case you need an expert to help you in this regard.

Author Bio: 

Richard Roundy is an expert Augmented Reality developer for AppsChopper. He explores AR and VR with a passion, sharing his experiences through insightful blogs.
