Wednesday, April 17, 2024
Business News

Top 10 Highly Profitable Home-Based Business Ideas for Women Entrepreneurs

Women that want to be entrepreneurs often never start a business. That’s because they’re worried about several things including profitability of their enterprise, sources of investment, the market for their products or services, and lots more.

At the same time, there’re millions of women across the world that are successful entrepreneurs. The reason is simple.

These women cut across all negative thoughts about starting their own enterprise and were willing to cut across gender lines to open a business. They were also willing to take the necessary steps as well as bear the risks.

If you’re one such woman who wishes to be an entrepreneur, there’s actually nothing to worry about.

Because, in this article, I will be discussing the top 10 highly profitable home-based business ideas for women entrepreneurs.

Before I talk about the top 10 highly profitable home-based business ideas for women entrepreneurs, here’s some good news too: most of these business ideas can be started with your existing resources or even low investments.

This means you could begin working upon any of these ideas right away and become a female entrepreneur.

10 Highly Profitable Home-Based Businesses for Women

So, if you’re interested in becoming a woman entrepreneur, let nothing stop you. Here’s my curated list of the top 10 highly profitable home-based business ideas for women entrepreneurs. You could select any of these depending upon your skills and personal needs.

Crochet Items

The demand for crochet items never really dips down. And women that can knit wonderful stuff from wool and other fiber stand to make a lot of money.

You can sell these crochet items through Amazon Handmade, a special facility that the single-largest online retailer in the world, Amazon, offers for everyone.

Or you could sell the stuff through your own marketplace on Shopify, Etsy, or even Facebook Marketplace.

Jams & Pickles

As a matter of fact, homemade jams and pickles are in high demand among discerning consumers. They prefer such homemade stuff compared to commercially produced jams and pickles.

This home-based business is simple and doesn’t involve much investment. You could sell these products online through Shopify or Facebook Marketplace or even offline, through neighborhood stores and bakeries.

Multilevel Marketing

There’re lots of opportunities in Multilevel Marketing or MLM available from excellent companies in America and around the world, for women entrepreneurs.

All you need to do is join these companies as their business associate and promote their products to your social network and beyond.

In some cases, MLM companies nowadays also allow you to sell products through own online marketplace, especially in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic where most business is done online.


There was a time when blogging was more of a hobby. Today, blogging is a full-fledged home-based business.

In fact, women can become superb bloggers, as time has proven more than once. All you require to open your own blog is a superb domain name, website hosting, and other essentials, and of course, excellent writing skills. You can make money from blogging in many ways.

The first way and most common is by subscribing to Google AdSense. You can also accept sponsored posts for your blog, sell ad space on your blog site and do affiliate marketing.


Vlogging means creating video blogs. If you’re passionate about anything, create superb videos that tell stories that people can identify with. Maybe you’re unaware but you can open a free YouTube channel using your Google account.

There’s no need for an expensive camera to take videos. A simple but good camera such as the one on your smartphone would be enough.

You can also download basic video editing software free online and start creating own videos to upload on your YouTube channel.

You can earn an income by subscribing to Google AdSense, promoting products for others, and accepting sponsored videos.

Online Tutoring

Many women have become millionaires using this simple way to launch a business. And that is, they became online tutors.

To become an online tutor, you will require a Bachelor’s degree, preferably in teaching, and superb knowledge about a school or college subject.

You can offer your online tutoring classes through own website or join as an independent contractor with any of the top 25 high-paying websites suggested here on SureJob that welcome online tutors from America and other parts of the world for their community of international students.

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is billed as one of the fastest-growing industries in the world. That’s because almost every business is now moving its operations to online platforms, in wake of the Covid-19 pandemic and its economic fallout.

Businesses that move online require digital marketing to promote their brand, products, and services.

You could do a short course in digital marketing and launch a startup offering services such as Search Engine Optimization, social media marketing, and email marketing, among others to small businesses.

Content Writing

Content is something that never goes out of demand. As a matter of fact, the demand for content grew by some 23 percent during the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic in mid-2020.

If you have excellent writing skills and a nose for research online, you could easily open a home-based business providing the content. Normally, website owners and bloggers require a lot of content.

You needn’t invest in this business too if you already own a computer and have a reliable Internet connection at home.

Read: Starting A Career In Copywriting

Online Bookkeeping

If you’re good at math and keeping accounts, you could open this home-based business providing online bookkeeping services.

In fact, high-net-worth individuals and small businesses, as well as senior citizens, require online bookkeepers to maintain their financial accounts.

As an online bookkeeper, you would be responsible for keeping tabs on where the money comes from and where it goes. And you have to submit your accounts on demand by your client.

Online Advice Columnist

In the UK and other parts of the world, an Online Advice Columnist is also called an “Agony Aunt.” That’s because people of all ages will approach you with their problems and you have to suggest an answer.

They can consult you online, through your own website, or chat over the phone. In any case, you will be charging for your services on a per-minute basis. This means you stand to make a lot of money with this home-based online business.

In Conclusion

You could try any of these top 10 highly profitable home-based business ideas to become a woman entrepreneur.

As you can see from the above list, you would require minimal or even no extra investment in these businesses. These businesses are simple to start and easy to maintain.

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