Saturday, March 2, 2024
Technology News

Samsung to let users clone their voice to respond to calls

Samsung has come up with an innovative solution for all those times when you’re in a meeting, at the movies or in a quiet place and you can’t answer your phone. The tech giant has announced a new feature for its Bixby mobile assistant that allows users to clone their voice to answer phone calls. The feature is currently only available in Korea, but it’s likely to roll out to other countries soon.

This new feature works by letting users type out a message that the AI converts into their voice and conveys to the caller on their behalf. This is particularly useful for those situations where you can’t talk out loud, but you still want to answer your phone. For instance, you might be in a meeting and can’t talk on the phone, but you still want to let the caller know that you’ll get back to them as soon as you can. With this new feature, you can simply type out a message, and Bixby will do the rest.

The voice-cloning feature is expected to be a hit with people who are always on the go and don’t have time to answer every call that comes in. It will also be useful for people who have trouble speaking or who are in noisy environments where it’s hard to hear. Samsung’s Bixby assistant is already a popular choice for many smartphone users, and this new feature is sure to make it even more popular.

However, there are concerns about the security of this new feature. Some experts worry that hackers could use this feature to impersonate someone’s voice and gain access to their phone or other personal information. Samsung has assured users that the feature is secure and that they have taken steps to prevent any unauthorized access to their phones.

Samsung’s new voice-cloning feature for Bixby is a step forward in mobile technology. It offers a convenient and easy-to-use solution for people who can’t always answer their phone, and it’s likely to be a hit with smartphone users everywhere. As technology continues to advance, we can expect to see even more exciting features like this in the future.
