Friday, March 1, 2024

The Most Important Hint Regarding eCommerce Website Design

The effective design aims to maximize sales by relying exclusively on the brand. Bold statements and thoughtful web design elements can captivate potential customers and encourage them to discover more about your business.

A well-designed website encourages people to take action and increases brand trust.

For individuals wishing to enhance the appearance of their e-commerce website, we produced this post.

The advice provided here applies to all platforms, whether you’re using WordPress, Wix, BigCommerce, or your own. It is based on fundamental ideas in contemporary web design.

1. Use of storytelling

Every excellent product has a unique tale to tell. A nice e-commerce site can be made by anyone, but not everyone can build a profitable brand to which these things can belong.

A captivating tale must be told if you want to build a good-looking brand. By telling engaging stories, you can increase brand loyalty. Additionally, if consumers are persuaded of your genuineness and uniqueness, they are more likely to recall your brand.

A tale is the finest approach to demonstrate your individuality (storytelling is a marketing technique). To write a tale, respond to the following inquiries:

  • What made you decide to develop a certain product?
  • How has your product changed your day-to-day life?
  • What kind of future do you see?
  • Whom are you trying to reach?

You can see how to arrange your website design by responding to the aforementioned questions.

Make your customers feel as though they are a special part of something. Your customers will return to your online business frequently out of excitement.

2. Narrow the Products Offered Range

An e-commerce site with poor navigation is a sign of that. The primary objective is to persuade the customer to add a product to their shopping basket.

His patience will wear thin if he is presented with opportunities to purchase hundreds of other items on the route to this, and he will probably quit your website.

A fantastic example of how not to do it is Walmart. Their website’s design is a cluttered list of all the available products. Before you find the item you’re looking for, your head will be spinning.

The likelihood of a customer completing a purchase increases with the ease with which he can locate the item he seeks, as this gives him more time to read through its description.

Consider using Sketch, Photoshop, or another template-making program to navigate your website. Consider how simple it is for a user to access the main page, the product catalog, or a particular product page.

This is likely the most crucial advice for creating an e-commerce website, so pay attention to it.

3. Utilize color schemes that arouse feelings

Potential customers are psychologically influenced by colors and tints, which helped sales rise even before the company moved its operations online.

You can design a website that will make users feel a certain way by learning the emotions that this or that hue evokes in them. Consider the following chart of colors and the accompanying feelings:

  • Red: Power, energy, danger, and associations with food.
  • Orange. aggression, achievement, and a willingness to associate with younger people.
  • Yellow: Energy, optimism, joy, and a connection to food.
  • Green. Richness, nature, freshness, and color that the human eye can easily perceive do not get old.
  • Blue: Wisdom, faith, trust, security, and cooperation.
  • Purple. Royalistic, opulent, serene, and mysterious.
  • The dark. power, formality, and consideration.
  • White: a color associated with positivity, cleanliness, and the medical industry.

Consider the qualities of both your product and the representations of the target audience when selecting a hue that will elicit particular feelings and emotions.

For instance, green will inspire a sense of nature and naturalness if you sell organic products.

According to research, people often acquire an opinion about your goods in about 90 seconds. About 70% of this experience is created through engaging with hues and tints.

Read: Discover the 5 Main Reasons Why eCommerce Businesses Fail

4. Establish the Correct Structure

Users form an opinion of your brand based on its overall reputation rather than just its catchy name.

The layout of a website’s pages is crucial when it comes to SEO. For instance, do all of your pages have the same typeface and color scheme? Bright templates produce a memorable encounter.

You might be regarded as a diverse brand if you use various colors on various pages of your websites.

Use recurring components in your page templates to establish a distinct and memorable brand.

Even if your product comes in a variety of varieties, developing pages with shared qualities will highlight your brand. Additionally, it is essential for boosting sales.

Read: How To Make a Successful Ecommerce Website On Shopify?

5. Test out your patience and urgency

An aspect of persistence is used for timely or limited-time offers. For instance, products with tempting buying terms are displayed at the top of the Best Buy page.

There are alternative approaches, though, to fostering a sense of urgency.

One of the main reasons why many customers choose not to check out for items in their cart is the high shipping costs. Making exclusive offers with inexpensive shipping can boost sales and profits.

The majority of companies, including Bestbuy, employ this strategy. The popular Prime service online website offers free shipping on the majority of its merchandise.

Additionally, you could aim to give free delivery to entice clients to make a certain quantity of purchases from your shop.

Limiting the number of things offered is another way to induce a sense of urgency or checkout.

Say, for instance, that you offer free delivery everywhere in the country where your prospect resides on a wonderful sweatshirt, but only for a short period.

Many e-commerce websites employ this tactic. You might also think of your strategies for generating a sense of need and urgency for a purchase.

6. Beautiful and Clear Image

The findings of various research show that high-quality, pertinent, and aesthetically pleasing photos can enhance conversion rates.

The images could not just display the goods that are on offer. Potential clients are drawn to your website by the use of images in the design.

Good pictures make you feel something, give your brand a personality, and make it easier for you to recall. 2000 images can be stored in the memory of ordinary humans.

Your sales will drastically decrease if you don’t upload pictures of your products. Use high-quality photographs that are displayed on your e-commerce website to try and capture the soul of your goods.

To accomplish this, you don’t need to hire expert photographers. View tutorials and instructions to learn how to take excellent pictures with your smartphone or inexpensive camera.

Additionally, websites like Pexels and Unsplash have a tonne of high-quality, free photos.

Read: Can You Use Shopify For Non Ecommerce?

7. Test your website as though you were a regular user.

Both the professional and the subjective parts of web design exist. The first is directly tied to the creation of a design that adheres to all current UX and UI trends.

The subjective aspect of design requires that you step back and examine your website’s layout as seen by a regular user.

Visit your website, take note of its key features as if you were a frequent visitor, and respond to the following questions:

  • How does the overall design of the website look?
  • How soon can you locate the data you require?
  • Is the navigation on your website clear and logical?
  • The degree of product descriptions’ accuracy
  • How much time is required to reach the checkout page?

You can determine every potential issue that has to be resolved by responding to these questions.

8. Run A/B tests frequently.

Despite being at the bottom of our list, A/B testing is one of the most crucial suggestions. Use two distinct site templates when performing A/B testing (A – the first template, B – the second).

Compare the performance metrics of the first and second templates after some time. Metrics monitored include conversion rate, usability, and general interactions with various template features.

The user experience with the site is improved by even minor design adjustments.

To determine what to emphasize in your final design, experiment with several color schemes and other website design elements. Utilize the different A/B testing and optimization tools that are online.


The world of web design is a very unstable one. If you consider patterns, customer behaviors, and the newest trends, you will acquire a competitive advantage and boost sales.

Make use of our advice to enhance visitors’ interactions with your website. So stop wasting time and start working.

Check out: 10 Strategies to Boost Organic Sales for eCommerce Store
