Tuesday, March 5, 2024
Entertainment News

Lady Gaga sued for not paying $500,000 reward to dog thief accomplice

In February 2021, Lady Gaga’s beloved French bulldogs, Koji and Gustav, were stolen from her dog walker while out on a walk in Los Angeles. The incident sent shockwaves across the world, and the pop star was devastated.

Soon after the incident, Lady Gaga took to social media to offer a $500,000 reward to anyone who could return her pets safely. A few days later, Koji and Gustav were returned to the police station unharmed, and the singer fulfilled her promise by awarding the reward to the person who brought them back.

However, it seems like the story is far from over. Jennifer McBride, who was one of the five people arrested and charged in connection with the theft of the dogs, has now sued Lady Gaga for failing to pay her the reward money.

According to reports, McBride claims that she was the one who found the dogs tied up in an alleyway and returned them to the police. She further alleges that Lady Gaga’s team had promised to pay her the reward money, but they have failed to do so.

McBride’s lawsuit accuses Lady Gaga of breach of contract and fraud, among other things. She is seeking damages of $500,000, which is the amount of the reward that was offered.

It’s worth noting that McBride was arrested and charged with being an accessory after the fact to the theft of the dogs. However, it’s not clear if she has been convicted of the crime or not. It’s also not clear why Lady Gaga’s team has allegedly refused to pay the reward money to McBride.

The lawsuit has certainly added another twist to an already dramatic story. Lady Gaga has not yet commented on the matter, and it remains to be seen how it will be resolved.
